Friday, August 25, 2006

The Web's Best-Kept Traffic Secret

- by Jim Edwards

(c) Jim Edwards - All Rights reserved

Did you realize that thousands of website operators use a
simple technique to generate targeted visitors to their
websites without paying a dime in advertising? It's true.

In fact, the technique works so well that many of them
don't want you to discover how they get those thousands of
website visitors and make so many sales on virtual "auto-

Their method?

Creating tightly focused articles other people publish in
their ezines (online magazines and email newsletters) and
post on their websites. This method rates so powerful that
some even call it "the web's best kept traffic secret."

Now, you may ask, "Why would an ezine publisher or website
owner publish my articles for their subscribers?"

The answer: Content!

Over a 100,000 ezines and newsletters operate on the web
(along with millions of websites) covering everything from
pets and cooking to investments and real estate. Many of
them need tightly focused content and they simply can't
produce all of it themselves.

Look at it this way... it's the same reason newspapers use
the Associated Press. Individual newspapers often can't
afford staff writers to cover every story, so they accept
articles from outside their organization.

You can do the exact same thing for various ezines and
websites catering to your niche audience!

You can get valuable publicity -- exposure you often
couldn't even pay for if you wanted to -- by providing
valuable, content-rich articles in exchange for a byline
and a link to your website (called a "resource box")!

The following represent only a few of the enormous benefits
of writing and distributing simple articles online:

** Attain "Expert" Status **

Let's face it! In the eyes of virtually everyone who reads
your articles you rank as the "expert" on the subject.

Just look at people who write newspaper columns. You
may disagree with their viewpoints, but they still have an
elevated status in your mind compared to the "average Joe"
off the street.

** Pre-sell Website Visitors **

If your article appeals to a niche audience hungry for more
information on a very focused subject, you actually pre-
sell them better than any sales pitch. In their minds,
you've already delivered content they really want so when
they click over to your site you already have a
"reputation" in their minds.

** Traffic Lasts Longer **

Even though the Internet changes very quickly, webmasters
are usually very slow to remove content from their sites.
Once you get an article posted on another person's website,
you have an excellent chance of that article staying there
for weeks, months, even years.

** Increase Links To Your Site **

In a recent search I found just a dozen of my articles
posted on over 813 different websites! Not only do those
postings bring me traffic, but they also help my search
engine positioning because of my increased "Link

** Builds Your Affiliate Base **

Fact: Affiliates always take the path of least resistance.

If you provide excellent articles they can easily post on
their sites or copy and paste into their ezines, your
affiliates will promote you more often and more effectively
compared to those who don't give them tools.

Plus, as you make more sales and publish articles, other
people will see you providing excellent tools and will want
to sign up as your affiliate so they can use them too!

** Build a Huge "Opt-In" Email List **

You can use articles to build up a huge list of subscribers
by simply compiling several articles into a series and
delivering them at preset intervals.

Often called a "mini-course," this technique allows you not
only to prove to your subscribers that you deliver great
information, but enables you to capture their name and
email adress so you can send them articles and special
offers in the future (with their permission).

** Requires No Special Skills **

People often think they need to be a "writer" in order to
publish articles, but that's not true!

FACT: If you have a passion for a subject and can talk and
explain things like you would to a friend over a cup of
coffee, you can write articles people will love to read.

So if you operate a website selling virtually any type of
product or service (whether your own or as an affiliate),
publishing and promoting with articles should rank high on
your list of traffic generation strategies.

No other method of generating targeted traffic to your
website provides the quality, quantity and steadiness of
traffic in such a simple, straightforward, and cost-
effective manner.


Jim Edwards is a syndicated newspaper columnist and the co-
author of an amazing new ebook, "Turn Words Into Traffic,"
that will teach you how to use free articles to quickly
drive thousands of targeted visitors to your website or
affiliate link!

Friday, August 18, 2006

Watch out For Scams When You Try to Make Money Online

There are many people in this world who make entire careers out of exploiting the dreams of the desperate and the gullible. If you want to make money over internet, you have to keep a certain fact in mind. You have probably heard this a thousand times before, but that does not make it any less true; if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. There are many people who say that you can make a lot of money on the internet with little or no effort, but use some common sense. If it were all that easy to make money over internet, wouldn't everyone be doing it by now? What these people are really doing in most cases is trying to scam you out of your money.

The most classic of all scams is the pyramid scheme, and this certainly has found its home in the make money over internet bandwagon as well. It basically works like this. When you get involved in the pyramid scheme, you have to either give money to, or provide some service for, people further up the pyramid. Theoretically, eventually people below you will have to do the same for you, but in reality it almost never gets that far. Usually, in order for a pyramid scheme to pay off by the time it gets to you, millions of people would have to be involved. So much for making money over internet.

Many of the make money over internet ads are a bit less scummy than the pyramid scheme, but not much more likely to succeed. One of the classic ones is the web storefront kit. If you do have a valuable product which not everyone is providing, it is possible to make money over internet, of course, but a lot of companies will sell so-called websites in a box selling generic junk that anyone could get anywhere. Selling incense and candles, cheap jewelry, or other knickknacks is just no way to ever make money over internet, no matter what the product promises you. Running an internet business is more complicated than you might think, and simply setting up a web storefront does not do anything to help you make money over internet by itself. In order to really make money on the web, you need a business strategy, and hours of work to get everything off the ground and eventually turn a profit.

9 Ways In Which You Can Promote Your Website With Articles

by Lesley Febis
Do you know the most efficient way to make money online? Web content is the answer. Articles with quality and unique content help you to obtain it. With quality and unique content You will make money because your visitors will spend more time at your website and the more time people spend at your web site, the more time you'll have to persuade them to buy your product or service. Like in the offline world, here on the web, trust remains the most important asset.An informative and professional article helps to gain the users’ trust. You will become known as an expert on the topics you write about. This will give you and your business extra credibility which will help you compete against your competition. The following is a list of tips that shows you how to get started to create unique and quality content:

1. Product Articles

They include information about your product or services.
This could be the core benefit (the in-use benefit , the psychological benefits, problem reduction benefits) and/or Tangible Product or Service (Product attributes, features and usabilty of market )

2. Interview Articles

They could include interviews from customers, employees and experts. Examples: interview an employee that won an award, an expert related to your niche, a satisfied customer.

3. News Articles

They can include news about your niche, branch or company information. Examples: joint ventures, new product releases, special events or the latest developments on the internet

4. Business History Articles

They include information about your business. Examples: years in business, goals your business has accomplished, community affairs, financial information.

5. How To Articles

they include detailed step by step instructions. Examples: how to convert Visitors into subscribers, how to promote your business, how to attract visitors to your web site.

6. Tips

They are usually small pieces of information about the size of a paragraph. Examples: tips on buying online, tips on starting an online business.

7. Top Lists

They are a group of tips listed in order, usually numbered from first to last. Examples: top 7 ways to get to the top of search engines, top 9 ways to market your product.
(PS :Experience learns that odd number works better then even numbers)

8. Visual Content

They include visual helpers that help explains, shows or supports an example. Examples: charts, photos, graphics, graphs.

9. Technology Content

They are new technologies you can use to present your content. Examples: audio clips, streaming video, MP3 files.

If you desperately need high quality content for your website, adsense sites, promoting affiliate programs, promoting your own products, you can click on the link below to get started to create your own unique and quality content.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

4 Tips For Starting An Online Business

by Lesley Febis

Are you spending more money on a daily basis, then you make? Are You living from paycheck to paycheck? If that's your situation, then it 's time to consider to start your own business.

1. Go For Your Idea

The first step is to find out how to get started.
I believe that it all starts with an idea. If you have a great one do something with it before someone else does. Fortunately these days we can make money easily and do it from the comfort of our own homes.I still kick myself for not starting a company like Pay Pa

2. Create Unique and Quality Content For Your Website

One of the cool things about cyberspace is all the revenue. Did you know that people with websites can earn revenue? It all has to do with intriguing content that others are actually interested in viewing and web traffic. How many hits can you acquire in one day? Start your own websites and find out. This is a contemporary way to make money easily, and do it while you're lounging on a beach somewhere. Wow, you've got to love cyberspace.

3. Find Your Niche

Maybe you've always wanted a chain of hotels, or a chance to open your very own restaurant. Maybe that coffee shop idea you had back in the 80s wasn't such a bad concept after all. Regardless of your hopes and aspirations, it's certainly easier to make them happen in this day and age. So many people look to start their own business; whether it be a cafe downtown or a home-based operation. With the World-Wide-Web at our fingertips, we can make these dreams a reality. That is why a number of individuals have begun their own web-stores and money-making sites. It's all about the web marketing.

4. Drive Traffic To Your Site

Web marketing is the key factor to make money in cyberspace. Basically this means the more traffic you can drive to your site the more money you can make.With cyberspace comes infinite traffic.
You have to remember that over 100.000 newbies access the Internet on a daily basis. This is why home businesses are booming. That kind of customer access is incomparable. It's certainly not difficult to see why the Internet is such a money-maker. In fact, loads of web-savvy business folk are taking prime advantage of all this cyberspace traffic.

All you need are your own web pages with unique and quality content.. Use basic web marketing to increase traffic on your websites, hence increasing your profit. Web traffic equals revenue. Just ask the person who started or read the book "The Lazy Man's Guide to Online Business'", author Jim Edwards.

Lesley Febis, Online Marketer specialized in article marketing author of numerous articles, earns hundreds of dollars in affiliate commissions every week! Finally -- Jay Conrad Levinson, Author of "Guerrilla Marketing" series of books about the book: Jim Edwards is anything but a lazy man, yet he shows you how to be lazy and relaxed while amassing a fortune online.

Click here and take advantage of the internet's most massive giveaway ever:

Increase Sales By Flying UnderYour Prospects' "Radar Defenses

- by Jim Edwards

(c) Jim Edwards - All Rights reserved

How do you persuade someone to do what you want them to do?

A whole world of marketing exists around us trying to do
that every minute of the day. Do you even notice it anymore
or, like your prospects, have you subconsciously set up a
system of "radar defenses" against the daily bombardment of
marketing messages?

Take a minute and count up the advertising methods which
fight for your attention (and money) every day. Just the
basic list includes:

· Yellow page ads

· Newspaper and magazine ads

· Postcards, catalogs, and direct mail circulars in your
"snail mail" box

· Radio pitches interrupting the flow of your favorite songs

· TV ads - about 20 minutes worth per hour now

· Hundreds of storefronts, "mega" malls, and strip malls

· Highway billboards by the thousands

· Circulars hung on your doorknob

· Illegal signs on stop signs and telephone poles

· Legitimate email messages

· Spam email or UCE (without permission commercial email)

Just these 11 sources can overwhelm your brain with
marketing messages. Like trapped rats, people develop
defenses against this never-ending onslaught. They throw up
a wall or a "radar defense" that goes into action the minute
they smell a "pitch" or a sales job. Don't blame them. We
all do it!

So how can you get around this psychological wall against
the constant sales and marketing messages? Well, the answer
does NOT lie in hitting people with more frequent and
obnoxious advertising or sly, sneaky tactics. You might get
them to trust you for a minute, but it will backfire in the
long run.

You must do two things instead:

1. First, you must establish credibility for yourself and
your business as an expert.

2. Second, you must reduce their fears about doing business
with you.

Doing these two things will get you past their defenses and
allow you the opportunity to persuade them to buy your

So how do you accomplish these two "simple" things? What
will win someone's attention, raise your credibility, and
lower their fear factor all at the same time? The one-word
answer really applies to most everyone.


If a seller can get behind your defenses with information
which makes you trust them, then that credibility will carry
over into a sale much of the time.

How can you get this credibility?

Well, take this next fact as online marketing "gospel," for
many people have proven its effectiveness.

Fact: Publishing and promoting with free articles gives you
one of the most powerful opportunities available to tip the
buyer's credibility scale in your favor.

How can we prove this works? Quite easily actually. Take a
break from reading this and go check out a newspaper or
magazine for a minute.

Which do you trust more, the ads or the articles? Most
people will choose the articles hands down. Why? Because
the articles don't try to "sell" you anything. Instead, they
hand out useful information for educational or other
practical purposes.

Most of us grew up in a culture which says we can believe
and "trust" what appears in the standard "news" or
"information" format. In other words, if it appears in
print, then we can believe and trust the author.

So go ahead! Use this lifetime of conditioning to your
advantage in selling your products and services!

Very few things will create an atmosphere of trust and
confidence in people as reading one of your articles on a
subject that greatly interests them. It shows you know your
business. It also demonstrates you will do more than just
try to sell them something.

Publishing articles literally lets you fly under their
advertising "radar defenses."

So remember these points when deciding whether or not to use
articles to promote your business:

1. Few things create as much trust and confidence in the
minds of potential customers as reading an article you wrote
on a subject which specifically and intensely interests

2. Articles establish credibility quickly because, right or
wrong, we've all been trained to trust the "news."

3. An article, or series of articles, will differentiate you
from the competition, who bombard people with nothing but
sales messages.

4. Providing content-rich, non-sales-oriented articles will
also help build and solidify your relationship with existing
customers so they give you repeat business.


Jim Edwards is a syndicated newspaper columnist and the co-
author of an amazing new ebook that will teach you how to
use free articles to quickly drive thousands of targeted
visitors to your website or affiliate links!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Thanks To Affordable Hosting Providers Internet Is Booming

In the early days of the Internet, finding an affordable hosting provider was similar to getting the jackpot in the national lottery. Not only were they hard to find and locate, they also charged you the heaven and the earth and everything in between to set up and run your website. Of course those were the early days of the Internet, when the technology, the tools and allied things were difficult to understand. But as the internet became more democratic and more and more people began experimenting with the technology and began understanding the power of the Internet, things changed for the better. And one of the critical areas in which the change was apparent was in the proliferation of affordable hosting providers.
Today, the scenario is vastly different. Not only are there affordable hosting providers by the dozen, most of them come with value added packages that make the price of getting online almost negligible. It is all a question of supply and demand. While the earlier days of the Internet were characterized by less supply and minimal demand, nowadays, the tables have turned. Not only are more people getting online, the more tech savvy among them are using their knowledge and minimal infusion of capital to help others get online. In fact, it is people like this who have converted themselves into affordable hosting providers.
For normal users like you and me, it is obviously a good thing. We are able to realize our dream of getting online, simply, efficiently and best of all affordably. You no longer need to be a major multi national corporation in order to have your own website. The technology is simple, the tools are affordable and the only limitation is the desire to get online. And even major players like yahoo offer you affordable hosting solutions from as little as five dollars a month. What is that in real terms? A cup of coffee perhaps!
It would not be an exaggeration to say that affordable hosting providers have changed the way in which most people view the Internet. As mentioned earlier, even the common man can now get online comfortably. And best of all, thanks to these affordable hosting providers, even smaller businesses, especially the kinds of businesses that thrive on ebay and allied sites, are able to put up their own simple websites, showcase their products and even compete with a larger share of the consumer pie when compared to bigger, megalithic corporations that have been ruling the roost till now.

Click Here To design, develop, manage, automate and promote your own money-making website with a power-packed, amazingly simple, all-in-one web hosting solution!

Tags: earn money online
work from home
make money online
home based business