Thursday, July 27, 2006

3 Necessary Steps You Should Take When You Build Content Powerhouse Rich Websites

One of the hottest topics on marketing forums is" how hard it is to make money with AdSense". The reason why it's hard to make money with adsense is that google reward unique and quality content and penalized duplicate content. HyperVRE could be a solution for this problem. HyperVRE creates multiple content websites on the fly, embedding your contextual ads and AdSense ads within the content. The only thing you must do is feed HypreVre with quality and unique content. To get Your started with HyperVre this article provide some information about how to write and publish your article.
1. Keyword Selection
The first step to build content rich pages is keyword selection. Choose the right keyword and write an article around that keyword. Try to make the content where you put that keyword in unique and give it some quality," value for the readers". i.e. How to ... or tips articles. To find the best keyword you have to do some keyword research by comparing demand, supply and keyword bids. A help full keyword research tool is Keyword Elite. With Keyword Elite you can collect al the information you need to find your niche keyword. When you do keyword research you also look what keywords your competition is using, by checking the headlines of their sales letters or viewing the source code of their website.
2. Article writing
An ezine article is usually composed of approximately 500 words on a single subject that would be of interest to your target market. At the end of the article, you should include a "resource box." This box should provide such things as your name, the name of your company, your web site address, email address, and a small blurb about your product/service. To create quality content you should clearly define the purpose of the article and ensure that the content is tightly focus on that purpose. Try to give your readers exactly what they looking for. The articles should be easy to read while providing information to the reader about your products without giving the the feeling that you try to sell something. An interesting article on entitled “Ten Tips for Effective Internet Article Writing”, summarizes the most important elements of writing articles for the internet. Organization of key points to be made on the topic of discussion should be written down first and outlined before the actual writing of the article. The writer should use a comfortable pace by first introducing the subject and defining it to the reader using a simple approach. Various points on the topic should be made in short paragraphs that don’t overwhelm the reader into not reading the article at all! The author of this article advises to place the most important text at the beginning when article writing, to grab the attention of the reader, and to ensure that they will read the most important part, even if they don’t finish the whole thing. When article writing, authors should give examples and emphasize the benefits or significance of the product or focus of the article. The writer should also define any points that may need clarification.
3. Publish Your Article
You can get your article published all over the web when you submit it to an e-zine publisher that has a free content directory on their web site. They'll allow their visitors to republish your article. Some article directories online are: - Go Articles: - Ezine Articles: - Idea Marketers: - Marketing Seek:
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Lesley Febis, Online Marketer specialized in article marketing author of numerous articles, earns hundreds of dollars in affiliate commissions every week! Finally -- a Simple software that Teaches You Step-By-Step How to Make Real Money Online- Matt Callen creator of Hypervre


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